By Frank Weber
Copyright ©2024
Back in 2019 and even into the beginning of 2020, I was almost celebrated for the blogs and essays I wrote and posted.
As 2020 progressed, however, I was quickly hated because I refused to jump on the most convenient, and sadly most popular, political side of the arena simply because I was told do so.
I have my own beliefs, sure. I am a registered Republican. But so what?
No, I never took sides, but because I refused to ride the popular vibe up onto the popular bandwagon, I drew a very real scorn. I refused to follow-the-leader, so it was assumed that I was a radical, conspiracy-minded, militant extremist.
Fascism in its truest and most pure form.
No, I never took sides, but what I did do was point out all the inconsistencies, and lunacy and arrogance that I saw play out each and every day.
More than anything, I was adamant in my desire to point out the total and absolute disregard for the People and the Laws of their Land.
The blind acceptance of internet news and government mandates are both entities that should no longer exist in this world, but here they persist.
It seemed that all around me, very few of the People had any want or desire to think for themselves anymore. “The government knows what’s best”
That is not my way.

I stood firm, NOT in the belief that there was a great governmental conspiracy, but in the cornerstone concept that every free citizen should think for themselves and question those things that feel are wrong. It’s not only the Right of the People, it is the Duty of the People.
Free government – and Free People – should never be so eager to give it all away just to snatch up scraps from the open, outstretched hand of a smiling politician. NEVER!
At the very least, their motives should be suspect, not blindly accepted just because the TV news said so. Freedom of Thought is just as important as every other Freedom we possess!
But when I refused to blindly acquiesce and accept the popular sway and vibe – when I insisted on relying, instead, on my own Free Thought – I was instantly hated and vilified and labeled as a conspiracy-minded whack-job. That happened because the TV news declared it was the case and that is how anyone who voiced a dissenting opinion and concern should be treated.
There was no consideration or even a glimmer of respect for my thoughts and opinions.
There was absolutely ZERO-TOLERANCE allowed for me – and all those like me – who dared to question ‘why’…for those of us who dared to reject blind obedience and were willing to speak out against the ‘mob rule’
I didn’t have a friend left in the world.
Even some family turned a cold shoulder to me if I ever dared to question anything.
I was rocking their boats too much for comfort.
But I guess that’s the true crux of politics, isn’t it? Nothing more. Nothing less.
Carry the load right up to the doorstep of true fascism, and stop just short of it.
And it usually does stop short of becoming that very heinous thing.
Not in this case.
Not at first, anyway.
But then the People gradually began to realize what had really happened as one by one, all of the questions were being answered, and answered just as predicted.
By then, so much damage had been done to the Country. But the one saving grace of Freedom is that damage of this sort can be stopped and rebuilt and rebuilt stronger than it was before. Stronger because the ramifications of the damage are still fresh blood in open wounds.
The People and their Freedom can be rebuilt.
Friendships and personal trusts are not so easily swept away, though.
That damage lingers, and it lingers painfully at times.
Me personally…I have little time or patience for those that I used to call friends who abandoned me and hated me. Now they want to come back around and make nice again?
They willingly gave in to the easiest possible way and then hated me solely because they were told to do so. And now I should be as blind as they once were and willingly accept them back now that it’s all over? I have trouble with that ending. Not with the people themselves but with the doctrine that overtook them. It’s not something you can just wipe away.
Hunter S. Thompson said that politics can be ‘better than sex’.
I get that and I can see it.
But I can just as easily see politics as a fuel for a furnace of hatred…especially when that hatred begins with one, single man and is forced to overflow into a sweeping doctrine.
People of Thompson’s generation – the very same people that lived through the 60’s and marched against a then, oppressive government – the very same people that should have known better – were among the first to acquiesce and blindly give in to a newly oppressive government.
And yes, I do call it an oppressive government, and I have called it that ever since elected officials began a campaign of vilification against any dissenting opinion, labeling all contrary opinion as ‘misinformation’. Their recommendations quickly became mandates – with ZERO legal basis – and very few people held the spine to speak up and out about it.
The People did not want or ask for what they were given.
The People did not vote for what was thrust upon them.
Yet there it was, solely because elected officials said so.
Those same elected officials that were elected by the People to speak and work on behalf of the People, not high offices in politics. The People were pushed into the back seat.
So…you want to know my politics? This is my politics…
Think for Yourself!
Do your own homework and your own due diligence and learn from it.
Educate Yourself.
Think for Yourself!
Asses all the facts you can find. Consider, but never base your politics on a popular opinion.
Base your opinions and views and politics on what you see and find and think and nothing more.
Who cares what the ‘mob’ says about it?
Most importantly, when the day comes that you realize you were conned and duped and fed a raft of bullshit longer than the horizon itself, swallow that bitter pill and move on.
Don’t just shrug and say, “Oh well…what’re you gonna do?”
What’re you gonna do???
You mean after you’ve helped to destroy Freedoms and friendships and livelihoods???
Think for Yourself!
Do your own homework and your own due diligence and learn from it.
Educate Yourself.
Think for Yourself!
Asses all the facts you can find. Consider, but never base your politics on a popular opinion.
Base your opinions and views and politics on what you see and find and think and nothing more.
Maybe you’ll end up finding a brighter road to travel.
Maybe you’ll make some new friends along the way, too.
No…I don’t believe that politics is better than sex or even just a fuel for hatred.
I believe politics is a spiteful, kink-filled, fetish-type of sex that serves to fuel discord and tarnish everything it touches. And it can’t – or more to the point, won’t – ever come clean from itself.
It’s only an absinthe-bong hit, and the buzz wears-off way too soon.