This is the video "reading" of my short story, "Gonzo Took My Cigars", first published by Papers Publishing - Our Dream Journal on February 22, 2023. Even though it was published in February, it was written about a year ago and that's when I made this video. And, yes...I own the rights to this piece.
I can't get over much how different I look now, after both surgeries and recovery...and this was only a year ago! This was all out of a dream - and it was not drug and/or alcohol induced, either!
At any rate...It's supposed to be weird, so...enjoy the ride!
#frankweber #thebeast #dowhatthouwilt #freedomofspeech #notmyfear #thinkforyourself #tolerance #freedom #mistofmydreams #untilthenexttime #author #writer #novelist #silverfox #sexyoldermen #cigarlife #unifiedvoice #laborrelations #decenthumanbeing #agewithattitude #oldmenarebetter #hipreplacement #bigfoot #ghoststories #huntersthompson #jackkerouac #charlesbukowski #addme #addmeoninstagram #addmeontiktok #barebackmag #fyp #tattooedoldermen #tattooeddaddies #bigfoot #mountain #mountainstories #shortstories #woodsstory #eerie #inthewoods #erie #eriepennsylvania #camping #campfire #campfirestories #cigars #sasquatch #eriewoodsstory #glacialhillsreview #sasquatch #paperspublishing #gonzo