By Frank Weber
Copyright ©2025

I stand for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
I have disliked some past Presidents, but I have always stood for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
I have disagreed with the politics of A LOT of The People around me, but I have always stood for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
I have disagreed with the ideologies of A LOT of The People around me, but I have always stood for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
I have disagreed with the politically motivated, defiant stands of some States in this country against The President of The United States, but I have always stood for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
Over the years, I have given my own personal support to international relief causes, only to discover that the monies were funneled away from those that needed it, but I have always stood for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
In other words, no matter WHAT happens in this world, I will always stand for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
Yes, I will support - to the extent that I am both able and willing - and help anyone and any effort that I feel an obligation to help, but I will always stand for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
I have NEVER flown another country’s flag in spite of my own flag or in spite of my President because I will always stand for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because I am a Citizen of The United States of America.
How hard is it?
How hard is it to stand for and by your own Country? Your own People?
It should not be in any way difficult as American Citizens should always stand for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because each and every one of us is a Citizen of The United States of America.
How hard is it to drop the incessant need and desire to leap into EVERY protest that EVER pops up just for the chance to protest The People you don’t like?
How hard is it to do a little research and find out exactly what has gone on and exactly what is going on BEFORE leaping into anti-American protests? Maybe learn the history behind the warring between the Israeli/Jewish and the Arab/Muslim worlds…it has gone on for quite literally THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Maybe learn a little bit of the history behind the Russia/Ukraine conflict before you pontificate on the “evils” of YOUR PRESIDENT.
It is not really necessary for any Citizen of The United States of America to insinuate themselves into either of these conflicts. It’s pretty short-sighted, ignorant and childish to assume that you are doing ANY good by attacking your own Country…the one, by the way, that upholds your right to that free speech…in a pigeon-holed attempt to cause further division in your own Country.
And let’s be clear, by and large, protestors these days don’t even KNOW WHAT they are protesting other than it’s against The People in their own Country – the ones they don’t agree with and don’t like. These protests are never about the people who are actually embroiled in the conflicts. No, they are about The People in THIS COUNTRY that the protestors DO NOT LIKE.
What good does that do for ANYONE INVOLVED?
What good has that EVER done for ANYONE INVOLVED?
Fix your bayonets BEFORE you begin the charge, otherwise, you have no single, solitary way to ever win the battle. Not one simple, single prayer of it.
It is a disgustingly misguided plan to fly another country’s flag in protest of your own flag solely because you don’t like YOUR President. And yes, like it or not, HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT just as much as he is mine. No amount of screaming and no amount of interpretive dance and no amount of ridiculous chants on street corners are going to change that one simple fact…the one simple fact that HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT.
Fly YOUR own Country’s flag, first and foremost.
Support YOUR own Country and everyone in it, first and foremost. You don’t have to agree with everyone in it, but you absolutely should be supporting The Citizens of The United States first and foremost and above all others in this world.
Stand for and by The United States of America, first and foremost and above all others because YOU are a Citizen of The United States of America.