My article, "Erotic Writing Can Improve Your Sex Life" Just a few thoughts on the many benefits of writing erotica...well, anything fun and sexy will have an effect. It's just like sex...you don't have to know what you're doing to have fun!

My short story, "Saturday in the Park", follows one free and adventurous Fourth of July Holiday in the lives of two young guys.
They had a good time.
I hope you enjoy!
Even though Bare Back Magazine is a literary publication - poetry, short stories and articles - this is an adult publication and content may not be suitable for all readers.
If this kind of thing offends you, then don't bother reading any of it.
If you go in and read it anyway...well...you've been warned and you're on your own.
#frankweber #COVID #thebeast #dowhatthouwilt #notmyfear #thinkforyourself #tolerance #freedom #frankietattstalks #mistofmydreams #untilthenexttime #zerodegreesofseparation #author #blogger #writer #novelist #silverfox #manwithacane #sexyoldermen #godblessamerica #cigarlife #unifiedvoice #freethinking #freespeech #freedomofspeech #business #laborrelations #decenthumanbeing #agewithattitude #oldmenarebetter