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No One Would Ever Believe It...

By Frank Weber

Copyright ©2025

Do you know the one and only thing ever needed to build and grow a totalitarian, manipulative agenda?

The exploitation of the fear covered by willingly accepted ignorance.


In other words, if you want to slowly and deliberately assume absolute control of a society – be it a school yard, a housing complex, a company or even a country – you just have to encourage the people that REFUSE to believe you would ever do it in the first place that you ever will.


Exploit their fear of losing their comfortable ignorance. They are already too afraid to stand and think for themselves– and are horrified of the very notion that life might not be controlled for them. “If someone else makes that decision, then I won’t have to and the world will be a happier – and safer – place for me!


It’s much easier to deny what smacks your face than it ever is to admit that you just got smacked in the first place.


This is the plague that had begun to spread.

It may seem uncontrollable at times, but it is not.


You’re crazy! That’s nothing but ‘misinformation’ and ‘conspiracy theory’ about people in power that you don’t like! They would NEVER do anything like that!

I got news for you…the door on that whole argument swings both ways, kids.


It is just as much of a conspiracy theory to believe that the ones who speak out – those who think and see for themselves and learn from it – are nothing but crazy, unhinged people that ‘make things up’.


It is just as much ‘misinformation’ to speak out against what someone else believes solely because the people in the news said you should.

But they howl, “How is that ‘misinformation’? They told us about those people. They told us why we should never listen to those people. They told us they would never do such a thing. How can that be ‘misinformation’?”


And all of that spews from grown men and women who allegedly have the benefit of higher education…the ones you would think should know just a little bit better.


But, as it always has been and sadly, always will be, it is infinitely easier to accept someone else’s words than it ever will be to question them.


If you question something you don’t understand or agree with, you run the definite risk of receiving REAL answers…“WHAT IF THOSE ANSWERS ARE SCARIER THAN WHAT EVERYONE IS SAYING???

They usually are much, much scarier than the story being told.

Much, much scarier.


The story being told is typically accepted with a blind willingness for that reason and that reason alone…

“I don’t need to be worrying about things like that, so the story just cannot be false. They wouldn’t lie to us…it’s the other guy that’s doing all the lying!”


It’s become an almost ‘mathematical simplicity’ to manipulate the masses in this way.

And in large part, we have allowed it.


The exploitation of the ignorance of the masses is the next great plague…it was never about an overpublicized cold…it has always been about the total and absolute exploitation of ignorance and the resulting fear that the world ‘might not be safe’ if we don’t listen and conform.


This world has never been, is not now or will it ever be safe.


Conditions can certainly be tilted in the direction of an all-encompassing safety and security, but it will never be ‘I-don’t-need-to-worry-about-it’ safe. Get that nonsense clean out of your head!


Again, this world has never been, is not now or will it ever be safe…no, not the kind of ‘safe’ that demands zero thought and unquestioning obedience.


I’m not going to explain that last sentence because if you are incapable of reading and understanding it for yourself, then you are already lost…happily drifting in a warm and comfy whirlpool that pulls you down and down until you end up thanking it for finally killing you… ‘cause at least you were ‘safe’ and didn’t have to worry about what was really happening to you.


The world can never be that safe.

That kind of world does not exist.


Don’t agree with me?


I could care fucking less. You don’t have to agree with me.

Know what else?

That doesn’t make either one of us right or wrong!


You are never debating or arguing a point if you are a blind, following, mindless parrot for any agenda.

You are never persuasive or justified if your mouth only moves so someone else can speak words for you – just like the hand-up-the-ass ventriloquist ‘dummy’ that they made of you.


Think for yourself!


‘If it don’t sound right, it ain’t right’, so question it!


But no matter what, think for yourself!


Absolute worst case, you walk away with a more educated opinion. Maybe you’ll find the concrete support for the cause you supported in the first place.

Then again, maybe you’ll realize that someone, somewhere along the line, has been and most probably still is lying to you…and always will be.


Either way, it doesn’t rightly matter.

If you think for yourself, you make that decision. You decide that designation – no one else.


We’re not always right and we’re not always wrong, but never forget that the one and only fuel that has ever been needed to ignite and energize any form of controlling agenda or devious plan to control the masses is the notion that “no one would ever believe it”.

The next time you hear some ‘authority’ figure pontificating on the faults and misgivings of their opposition, ALLOW the questions to creep in to your mind!

If they’re not already there, ALLOW those questions to creep in to your mind!


Never ignore those thoughts and questions. You’re getting them for a very good reason!


The human mind is inquisitive if for no other reason than its need for its own survival.


Don’t deny yourself when the time comes to question what you see and hear!


If no one would ever believe it, then maybe it’s time to consider whether-or-not it should be believed after all!


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