By Frank Weber
Copyright ©2025

There is absolutely nothing shameful or disgraceful about being conned.
It happens to each and every one of us sooner or later – whether you accept it or not – it does happen.
No, there is absolutely no disgrace in being conned.
We all want the best that we can possibly get and we just go for it. That’s how it should be.
Problem is, the con knows it, too. And the con’s only job is to exploit it to get what IT wants from you. Doesn’t matter if the con is to steal money or sway opinion in its direction, it is still there.
The only true disgrace and shame arises in the denial of the con.
It can only go one of two ways…
The con is exposed and the victims see it and learn from it and reject the con for the fantasy-trap that it was (this is good), OR…
The con is exposed and the victims refuse to accept that they were conned and they double-down on the con insisting that everyone else is the real fool (this is bad). It’s one thing to be a victim, but it’s quite another to fully embrace the con after it’s exposed. It doesn’t matter the reason – you feel foolish, you feel used, you feel just plain stupid – if you KNOW all of this and you KNOW that the con was nothing more than a con and you STILL rattle sabers in defense of the con, you are no longer a victim. You have become a part of the con and you are just as heinous as the ones that started it.
Yes, YOU are now the problem.
Honestly, I’m getting tired of hearing the phrase, ‘double-down’, but I have to admit that it does have its place in this discussion. A ‘double-down’ is a last ditch gamble. It comes when you just cannot – and will not – accept that your time at the table is over.
It comes when you just cannot – and will not – accept that you just lost your ass.
And sadly, when you lose the ‘double-down’, you have in fact, just lost your ass.
No amount of screaming and crying will change that very simple rule of the gamble.
And the harder you pursue that lost gamble, the more foolish you show yourself to be.
The harder you pursue that lost gamble, the more shameful you become until you are finally left being nothing more than a crumbling disgrace.
All of it because the CON was exposed and you flat out refused to see it, acknowledge it or accept it. “They would never have lied to us for this long if it was just a lie! They were right! YOU are the real problem here!” All I can say is, “Blahdy-blah, blahdy-blue, blahdy-blah – get over yourself”
Again, screaming and crying like a rebuffed two-year old wanting an ice cream cone will NOT change the fact that you were conned. Sorry, but it’s true. And it will not change the tides.
Tragically, I don’t know of ANYONE that would hold it against ANYONE else when the con is exposed and the victims say it themselves and stop it. I certainly do not.NO ONE enjoys being conned and NO ONE wants a con to linger once it’s exposed.
The folks that can admit it to themselves are absolutely deserving of a little comfort.
Once the cut is laid wide open for everyone to see and understand, you’ve reached the precise point at which we should ALL make an about-face and decimate the con so that it cannot return.
At that point all of us – both sides of the coin – realize that we were ALL victims.
Those of us that didn’t buy into the con are hurt and victimized just as much as the ones that turned a blind eye to what was happening to them. We ALL lose.
We all have an interest in crushing the con and working hard to prevent it from resurfacing later in time. We ALL share this interest.
It means that it’s time to grow up. Is that fairly condescending? Then good. It should be.
It means t’s time to finally THINK FOR YOURSELF.
It is by no means easy.
It’s not easy to see the con.
It’s not easy to accept the con.
It’s not easy to say those ‘horrible’ three, little words… “I was wrong”
But it makes you stronger.
And it makes you wiser.
Forget what the con was or what was said or done and lost.
Seeing the world for what it really is and accepting the world for what it really is and always being prepared to admit it to yourself will make you stronger and it will help to make more of the world stronger.
It will make you wiser for the loss and will help to educate and enlighten more of the world in the process.
THAT is true character. Funny how TRUE character only seems to spark when all the chips are down and you reach that final hand…and you are faced with the ‘fold’ or the ‘double-down’.
Think for yourself and the hand is pretty easy to play.
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