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Walking Catatonic

It’s funny…for all of the folks that now pride themselves on being so ‘woke’, there doesn’t seem to be a one of them that isn’t still stumbling around and walking catatonic.

I never bought into that whole ‘woke’ movement or any of its related nonsense.

The world is the way it is.

If you choose to ignore that simple fact and incessantly – and most of the time, ignorantly – fight against it, you deserve what you get. Sadly, a lot of the ‘woke’ kids are already starting to find that out for themselves. And that’s going to hurt.

If you’re ‘woke’ doesn’t that mean that your eyes have been opened and you see the things that had been supposedly hidden from you?

If you’re ‘woke’, doesn’t that mean that you see things in a different and supposedly, better light?

Yes, the world is the way it is, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t change over time.

All things will and all things do change. Not always for the better, but all things do change.

Stomping your feet and whining and crying about every little perceived injustice does not, however, constitute or even initiate that change. As a matter of fact, when you act that way, more often than not, you strengthen support for the injustice you are screaming against!

You don’t have to be any special kind of ‘woke’ to see that if you look.

Ah, but there’s no reason to look, now is there?

You are now ‘woke’ and that’s all you need to change the world, isn’t it?

It’s high-time you grew up, kids.

You’re acting like a bunch of twenty-something ‘Karens’.

Do you honestly believe that anyone accepts your verbiage in any serious sense of the word?

Why would I ever give a fuck that you are offended by the words of a seventy-year-old song?

Bitching about things like this are nothing more than bitching for the sake of getting attention.

Yes, you can have your opinion, but it doesn’t matter to me. Keep it to yourself.

Why would I ever give a fuck that you are offended by a woman (or man) that is happy and comfortable enough in their own body to show it to the world?

The only ones that ever bitch about such a thing are the ones that are not happy and comfortable in their own body. That’s not anyone’s problem but their own.

If you want to change the world, start with yourself.

Stop blaming and attacking others in some vile attempt to make yourself feel better.

Yes, you can have your opinion, but it doesn’t matter to me. Keep it to yourself.

It reminds me of the slew of commercials that had the female spokespersons dressed in frumpy, clunky, just-plain-drab-and-ugly pant suits. They didn’t even put them in normal, everyday street clothes. They had to be seen in unisex – non-gender-definable – boring clothes.

I’m sure it made someone somewhere feel better, but it’s not what anyone else in the free-speaking world wants to see in a commercial. The whole idea of a commercial is to entice the consumer into a purchase, not repel them. Why would you shell out so much coin for a casino commercial of all things and NOT show images of elegance and decadence?

THAT is the allure of a casino – gambling, elegance, decadence and vice.

Sorry, but the “non-objectionism of the human body” doesn’t really matter and no one cares if they’re going to a casino in the first place. It’s simple advertising – show then what they want to see.

Oh, you’re offended that the cute, little midwestern blonde is willing to wear cut-off shorts and a bikini top and you’re not? So what? Who cares? Get over yourself!

If you want to change the world, start with yourself.

Stop blaming and attacking others in some vile attempt to make yourself feel better.

Not everyone is like you and no one will ever be you, so stop trying to make it so.

It won’t work. Stomping your feet about it will not change the world.

Those ‘woke’ ad exec’s should have shaken off the catatonic haze of their ‘wokeness’ and been awake in the literal sense before those commercials ever aired.

It didn’t take long for that pendulum to swing back, though.

They’re not so ‘woke’ anymore.

They realized that the foot-stomping of handfuls of whining people as compared to the millions of people that stand opposed to them are nothing but whining, self-proclaimed and self-demanded entitlement. Nothing more.

Too bad for Bud Light. They stayed in the haze for too long.

In the real world, no one really cares if some random guy on social media wants to be a girl.

If that’s what he wants, go for it! It doesn’t make an ounce of difference to me.

You may not believe it, but most people could give a shit less, either.

But just how wise of a decision was it for Bud Light to abruptly alienate the lion’s share of its core consumer base to make that ONE individual (and the social media followers behind him) feel important and noticed? Point is, the vast majority of their core consumer base are NOT in that kid’s camp, don’t give a shit about his ‘struggle to be a woman’ and in the particular case of beer drinkers, they despise having it thrown in their faces.

Sad part is, had Bud Light gone about thing differently, they most likely would have added to their consumer base by potential millions, and no one else would have even noticed or cared.

They could have avoided a non-sensical boycott and its unfounded outrage and kept themselves out of the political arena.

How ‘woke’ is it really to cut off one head only to replace it with another?

How ‘woke’ do you suppose they feel now?

Oh, they got a wake-up call all right. That’s for damn sure.

And guess what? The pendulum swung back.

If you are a part of a particular movement and you sincerely believe in that movement, then you’d be an ignorant, errant, lazy fool not to support it, but don’t believe for a single, solitary second that everyone else in the world is obligated to support your cause!

From the time they could understand it, I’ve told my kids, “You can be anyone and anything in this world that you want, but you must understand and accept that if you go against societal norms, no one else in the world has to accept who or what you are. If you remember that, you’ll be as happy as you can be.”

One more time…and everyone sing along… If you want to change the world, start with yourself.

Stop blaming and attacking others in some vile attempt to make yourself feel better.

Not everyone is like you and no one will ever be you, so stop trying to make it so.

It won’t work. Stomping your feet about it will not change the world.

And if everything I just said pisses you off and riles you up, then good!

That means you’re feeling something instead of stumbling around in some mob-induced catatonia.

I offended you? So what?

Maybe that means you should take a good, long look at exactly WHY it is that my words made you angry.

State your case but make it count.

State your case with a modicum of intelligence.

You can be heard and you can be understood and you can even be accepted for the different person that you are, in spite of any accepted societal norms.

But, if you want to change the world, you MUST start with yourself.


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